Saturday, December 9, 2006

I Thought I Knew

So yesterday and today, I've had a few people tell me that The Swimmer is not coming for a booty call, that he's probably coming to "test the waters" so to speak. The general consensus has been, "No one would spend that much money just for a booty call. It's too easy to get some ass wherever you live to travel cross-country to get some ass." I just didn't really think that that is what's happening - him coming to "test the waters." I need to stop analyzing this because I'm going to drive myself crazy. I won't know what his intentions are until he's actually here. It's just too weird to not think about anything. Weird, unexpected, shocking, exciting, funny, so many things all rolled into one. I haven't told my best friend from high school yet, but I'm not hiding it or anything. Her and I have been playing phone tag for a couple of weeks now, before this thing happened with The Swimmer.

I have a holiday party to go to tonight and I REALLY don't want to go. I went to the same party last year and was bored out of my mind, so it's definitely not helping my motivation. I figure I'll just go for 15 minutes and then leave. I have to drive 15 minutes to get there, but I don't care, I would much rather go, show my face and then come back home and relax. I had my work holiday party last night, so after drinking and shmoozing for a few hours, coming home and not getting a very restful night's sleep, I'm just not in the mood. I have to make an appearance at this party though since it's a girl I kind of work with's party and I just saw her at the party last night, so I definitely have to go to this thing tonight.

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