Saturday, January 6, 2007

What I thought would be a relaxing night last night turned into anything but. . . Me, Crazy Girl (the girl I work with and is one of my closest friends in my city) met up with my Gay Neighbors, another husband and wife that live in my building as well as this married couple who are friends of my Gay Neighbors for a nice dinner to celebrate one of the Gay Neighbor's birthdays. (I know that was confusing, but whatever, you get the point.) Crazy Girl and I started out the night with a couple of French Martinis, our favorite drink, and went to the restaurant. Crazy Girl continued drinking, but I stopped knowing that I had already had a couple of drinks and still wanted to be able to drive home. After dinner, most of us went back to the Gay Neighbor's place and hung out. Crazy Girl drank some champagne and I hung out with the others telling funny stories and coming close to peeing in our pants. Crazy Girl then had the brilliant idea to go to the gay male strip club where we had been twice before - once on my birthday weekend and once on her birthday weekend. So, Crazy Girl and I decide to go. We get to the strip club and Crazy Girl continues drinking martinis and proceeds to get totally wasted. To simplify the story yet not leave out any funny parts, here's an overview of what happened - she drinks, talks to one of the strippers about marijuana, talks to that same stripper for about 15 minutes about the war on drugs and taxes, gets uncomfortably drunk, buys me a lap dance with some really gross stripper. . . After leaving the strip club, I decide that I need to get food into her because she is going to want to drive home at some point. We go to McDonald's and she orders and eats: a double cheeseburger, large fries, 6 piece nuggets and a large Coke. So gross and I don't know how she could eat that much, she's tall and skinny and you would never guess that she could eat so much. After staying on the phone with her for her whole drive home, about 40 minutes, I finally get to bed at 4:45am. So much for an early night!!

Woke up this morning at about 10:30am since I was going to The Couple's place for Shabbat lunch at 12:30. Had SO much fun there! I didn't leave until 6pm! It was mainly the same few people that are there when I usually go so we always have a good time. The Student and his annoying girlfriend were there as was the guy who is kind of friends with The Idiot who was totally checking me out at the Chanukah party. The guys were so excited to hear that I went to the gay male strip club last night because they are so obsessed with hearing all about what goes on there. The Student loves hearing about the strip club and pretty much comes close to peeing in his pants when we all talk about it. At one point, we were all talking about Shabbat dinner vs. Shabbat lunch and I was saying how I prefer coming over for Shabbat lunch because we always have so much fun telling stories and hanging out and I like that it's usually the same people. The wife of The Couple was happy to hear that we all weren't sick of each other. The Student then says, pointing to me, "I like this one. I'll trade her for that one (referring to his girlfriend.)" She got really upset, but we all thought it was hilarious. So now I am finally home and have eaten dinner and am preparing for a few hours of brainless tv - namely a few episodes of "Girls Next Door" that I DVRed from earlier. So tired, but it was worth it!

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