Monday, January 22, 2007

I Get It Now!

The Swimmer continues to make me smile like a crazy lady with his openness, honesty and vulnerability. It's really nice to see a guy show his vulnerability when that's something that I have had trouble in the past showing. Like I said in a previous post, my phobia of throwing up comes down to a fear of being vulnerable. My relationship with The Idiot really helped teach me that it's okay to be vulnerable and that because you need some reassurance every once in a while, it doesn't mean you're being needy.

The Swimmer is only reinforcing this in me. When IMing earlier, The Swimmer asked if I still think about him. I told him that of course I do and asked if he was doubting that. He replied that no, he just wanted to hear it. Did/do I see that as being needy? NO! So that just shows me that when you need reassurance, it doesn't mean that you're being needy, it just means that it feels good to hear nice things from someone you care about and who cares about you. Man, The Professional would love this! That's one thing that she kept pointing out to me during my relationship with The Idiot, but I'm fully understanding that and accepting that now with The Swimmer.

The Swimmer is so cute too, he told me how he's looking into coming to visit during President's Day weekend, but that he doesn't want to promise anything because he doesn't want to let me down or disappoint me. I told him that we should be splitting the airfare whether he comes to visit me or I come to visit him, since the airfares fluctuate so much. I'm excited too because after a business trip at the end of February, I'll have enough miles for a free plane ticket! Yeah! So, if things continue to develop between The Swimmer and I, I'll be able to fly out to LA and visit him for free. I figure that as much as it might suck to do it, since the time change on the flight back here makes it so it takes almost a whole day up to fly back, I might try taking a red eye back. (If the trip happens) That way, I can get maximum time with him and just sleep a little on the flight back, come home and sleep for a few hours and then go to work as usual that day. (I love having a flexible job!)

Going to see Catch and Release this weekend with one of my girl friends, I love chick flick nights!! Can't beat seeing a sappy girl movie with friends and talking about life and love.

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