Sunday, March 30, 2008

Taking it slow...

I'll just lay it out right now before I start with my update... The New Guy is the best kisser EVER. There we go. On to the update.

Wednesday night, The New Guy came over to my place and we chatted for a while. We listened to some of the music he and his band have been working on in the studio for the past couple of weeks and then put in a movie. Even though I was trying to sit on the couch first so he could be the one to pick seating arrangements, he managed to always be the first one sitting on the couch! I just sat in my usual spot and then asked if he was comfortable. Being 6'4", he said that tall people always look a bit uncomfortable when they sit. I offered him my spot since it's on the chaise part of my couch but he said he was fine. He said that he didn't bite and I could sit closer to him if I wanted. He finally took me up on my offer of sitting in my more comfortable spot and we sat next to each other on the couch and watched the movie, him with his arm around me.

Something very unusual happened about halfway through the movie though... My cat is a very social cat, but by social, I mean she'll say hi to people, but doesn't let anyone but me pick her up and hold her and will certainly not lay on anyone else's lap but mine. Halfway through the movie, my cat jumped up onto the couch, walked into my lap and continued walking into The New Guy's lap. He petted her for a minute and then she lied down in his lap and full on passed out. Ri-dic-ulous. She has NEVER done this to anyone but me. I was in total shock and told him that. Even when I got up once to get water, she didn't even look up, just kept on sleeping. Once the movie ended, New Guy picked my cat up and put her on his chest. I was like, "She's not going to stay there, she'll jump off in a second." Oh no. Not only did she stay there, but she just put one paw on his chest, one paw curled under her, looked up at him and started purring. I was like, "Are you kidding me?!"

After a few minutes of small talk about movies, I moved the cat away and The New Guy and I made slightly nervous small talk. The New Guy then went in for the kiss. After kissing for a minute, I told him how relieved I was that he was such a good kisser. He busts out with, "I didn't know I was being graded on a rubric!" Awhh, how nerdy of him!! I told him how when you wait for something, you start wondering about what it is going to be like. We kissed some more and then he asked how he was doing. I told him he was acing the test. Let's just say that The New Guy really likes Single Girl. He kept saying how he was sorry for putting his hands all over me, but he loves how I feel. I told him there is no reason to apologize, but that there would still be no sex unless I'm in a relationship. There was a mention about sex a little later, and I said something about maybe we'll find out someday, he responded, "Hopefully!"

After making out for a while, we talked again about how it's good that we're taking things slow. He said, "I really like you a lot, so I'm glad we're taking things slow. There's also another reason I want to take things slow." I was like, "Yeah, what's that?" Then he told me that about 4 months ago, he got out of a serious relationship. He said that he doesn't want to jump quickly into something super-serious, so it's good that we're taking things slow, but he really likes me. So, I was shocked, but I still asked what happened, just so I would know. He said that it ended amicably, but that they both knew it wasn't going to work out and that it wasn't meant to be. I told him that I got out of a serious relationship in January, but I'm already moved on, so there's nothing to worry about there. The New Guy and I continued making out for a while and then around 1am, it was time to call it a night.

I've already talked to The Professional about all of this and she reassured me that it's a really good sign that he's told me this, that it definitely means that he really likes me and I'm definitely not a rebound. If I were a rebound, he wouldn't be taking things slow. If he didn't like me, he wouldn't be bothering to share these things with me.

Talked to New Guy on Friday and we made tentative plans to hang out on Saturday, depending on how far along he was with the work he had to get done. He was going out with some friends on Friday night to celebrate the anniversary of a friend's passing.

Friday night, I went out to dinner with my friend Bra Girl and then I went out to a bar with MJ and a couple of her friends. I drank for the first time since July (I've been on medication for my migraines that can effect alcohol), but not too much. Around 1:45am, MJ, one of her friends and I were about to go on stage to sing karaoke when The New Guy called. I couldn't really hear him very well, but I told him what bar I was at and that I was actually drinking and about to sing karaoke and I would call him back after the song. We sang and it was hilarious. I was being a bit of a diva and getting annoyed because the other two girls weren't singing on time, but it was hilarious. I called New Guy back after the song and he said he was downstairs, so MJ, her friend and I went downstairs to meet him.

The New Guy told me he didn't want to take me away from my friends or break up the party, that he was just around the corner and wanted to stop by and say hi. I told him not to worry, he wasn't interrupting anything. MJ and her friend were wasted anyways and MJ was too busy flirting with the bartender to care! The New Guy was having trouble getting a drink at the bar, so just like when we first met, I stepped in and helped him get a drink. While waiting, he snuck in and kissed me, very cute. Sigh. At one point, MJ turns around and says, "So (New Guy), get this!" New Guy pretends like that's not his name and says, "Is (SingleGirl) dating some guy named (New Guy)?" Here's where my brain thinks like a 13 year old girl and starts squealing and saying, "OMG! He said we're dating!!" Calm down Single Girl.

After hanging out there for a bit, I offered to walk him to his car. MJ and her friend were going to take a cab home, she lives on the other side of town from me. So we walked to his car and then he was going to give me a ride to my car. (I was fine to drive, I had only had half a shot and a beer all night.) I asked him if he had been trying to get a booty call and he said he wasn't, he had wanted to stop by and say hi and chat. We got to my car and made out for a few minutes. He said how he could do this forever with me. Finally I said that it was getting late and time to go, so we said goodnight and he said he'd call me the next day.

While walking across the grass to my car, I spotted MJ and her friend. MJ asked if I could give her a ride home because she felt bad making the guys that were giving them a ride home stop off at so many places. I said I would, so I took her home and then I went home and went to bed.

The New Guy called yesterday and we changed our plans to hang out tonight for a little bit instead of last night so he could keep working. He said he feels bad because he doesn't want me to take it personally, it's just that we met right in the middle of when he is trying to get the album finished and in two weeks when it's done, he won't be so crazy with working on it. I told him not to worry, I was exhausted from not sleeping much and I wanted to get to bed early anyways. We ended up talking for a while about some hilarious stuff.

Saw a movie by myself today, "21," really good. The New Guy called while I was in it, so I called him after. He thought it was hot that I'm independent enough to go to the movies alone. He said he'd rather spend more time with me than just an hour and a half tonight, so he wants to make plans for later this week, but he still wants to stop by tonight and hang out, even if it's just for a little bit. I told him that as long as he doesn't see me as just a piece of meat, it's cool by me.

So, he came over and we watched a couple of episodes of 90210. It was time for him to leave, he said, "I better get going and go do my work stuff," and I said, "Well, I guess I won't jump on you then!" He replied that I probably shouldn't because if I did, he'd be here all night. We kissed for a minute and I told him I'd try not to take it personally. He told me not to, that it wasn't personal, that he should be getting home and if we start going at it, he'll be here all night and there can't be any crazy sex on the bathroom floor or anything. I told him definitely not! He said, "Plus, we're taking things slow and we're also letting the sexual tension build." I laughed at this and told him that I thought the sexual tension was definitely already building. He laughed and agreed. So I kissed him again and walked him to his car. We have plans to get together again later on this week, maybe Wednesday or Thursday, so we'll see!

For now, I'm just trying to stay calm and not over-analyze everything. I just know that I really like him and I hope he really likes me too. I think it's good that we're taking things slow, as long as it's for good reason, which I think it is - I think he likes me enough to really want to get to know me and not rush into anything too fast. I've just never been in this situation before - where you both talk about taking things slow, but actually take things slow - so I don't know how to handle it. How does it work? I guess I'm just a little scared, but a good scared.


Samantha said...

So happy for you sweetie!

Anonymous said...

This New Guy sounds like a catch! Hope that things continue to go well with you two!

Sarah said...

Things sound great!

the infertile turtle said...

Sounds like things are off to a good start! "Taking it slow" just means, even moreso than usual, that you need open communication. He is probably going to want you to set the pace at first. Just make sure you tell him, clearly, what you are and are not comfortable with at each stage, and make sure he does the same.