Tuesday, March 25, 2008


The New Guy and I went out for the third time on Saturday evening. He came over to my place and we went to a bar around the corner for a couple of drinks. The discussion was quite lively and hilarious, with questions such as, "Who would you rather do, Brandon Walsh or Steve Sanders?" "Okay, who would you rather do, Brenda or Kelly?" There was talk of our college years and making fun of guys and girls in fraternities and sororities. Talk of music, politics, etc. He complimented me a few times, telling me that I look really cute when I blush and that I'm hot. During our talk about college, we started talking a bit about relationships and he said how he thinks there's something to be said for taking things slow and not having sex on the first date. I was like, "What, like in medieval times with courtship?" He said, "Something like that. There's just something to taking things slow."

After a couple of hours, we came back to my place to hang out for a little bit. New Guy was very nice to my cat, which says a lot about him in my book. If the guy just walks in, pets the cat and that's all, that says something. But, if the guy, walks in, pets the cat, tries to play with the cat or interact more with the cat than just a quick pet, that really says something. The New Guy was really taking time to try to get to know her, which says a lot, I think.

So, we watched a little bit of an episode of 90210 and were laughing hysterically about it and just chatting about stuff. We made tentative plans to hang out again during the week. Around 12:45am, it was time for him to get going, so I walked him down to his car. He gave me a big hug and then got into his car and left.

Seriously? No kiss again? What is going on here? Have I fallen into the "friend zone?" Does he just see me as a friend? I was so confused. All day Sunday and then again on Monday I couldn't stop thinking about what was going on. After talking to Best College Friend, she suggested that I just call him to chat to show that I was interested. She pointed out that he did say that he felt a bit like he was chasing me, so giving him a call would help make sure that he knew I was interested.

So I called The New Guy. He was happy to hear from me and said, "I was just thinking about you!" We talked for a while, but I still couldn't get a good read on him. He would say something like, "I hate to think of you all alone in your big loft by yourself." But, then every time I would throw out a flirtatious comment, he would just laugh and then change the subject. For instance, we were talking about how my bedroom is so nice and dark like a cave, he said that all I need is just a big, flat-screen tv. I replied that I have a flat-screen tv in there, it's just not that big. He was like, "You do?" I said, "Yeah, you just didn't see it because you were too scared to come all the way into my bedroom." He said, "Yeah, you might take advantage of me." I replied, "Would that be so bad?" He just laughed and then changed the subject. I was like, Okay...

Up until then, I wasn't going to say anything about how confused I was. Earlier in the conversation, we had made plans to go out on Friday or Saturday, so I was just going to see what happened then and if he still didn't make a move, then I was going to say something. But, something got into me, and I managed to communicate to him that I wasn't sure if he was interested in me or not and I was very confused. Needless to say, I was very, very happy with his response.

He said, "I think you're incredibly hot. I'm sure you get hit on numerous times everyday. I just didn't want to be one of those guys and I didn't want to be 'that' guy. I just really enjoy talking to you and the fact that you're so smart, we share pretty much the same viewpoint on things and on top of that you're beautiful, is amazing." Wow. I told him that he's definitely succeeded in setting himself apart from every other guy and that when it comes down to it, he's the one I'm talking to, so that should tell him something. He said that, "You're so hot that I just wasn't sure if you'd really be into someone like me." I replied, "Uh, seriously?! I find you really attractive. Not only that, but I think you're the total package - you're good-looking, funny, smart and talented. I always look forward to talking to you." So, yeah.

We now have plans to hang out tomorrow night. After laying everything out on the table last night, he busts out with, "There will definitely be some making out next time!" LOL! I did make it clear to him that I won't have sex unless I'm in a serious relationship, just so he knows. He assured me that he wasn't expecting anything like that yet. So, we'll see what happens tomorrow night!


Sarah said...

Okay, I'm going to ask. Could Brandon Walsh (I like the nickname) be a virgin?

Single Girl said...

I'm 99.9% positive he's not a virgin. But there is always that slight chance, but I highly doubt it!

GatorGirlintheCity said...

Wahoo! I'm so happy for you!

Kennethwongsf said...

Wonderful development! He passed the pet test--that says a lot about him. Good luck tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

yay! can't wait to hear how tonight's date goes! :)

the infertile turtle said...

hahaha! Glad to hear there will be kissing. He really does sound like a sweetheart. And I'm totally curious -- what were each of your answers to the Brandon vs. Steve and Brenda vs. Kelly question?

Sarah said...

He did just say he likes to take things medieval times courtship slow, but I think he's expressed a clear interest in you. Just hang in there for now!

(I have little patience. I would have grabbed him in and sucked his face by now) :P

Samantha said...

I agree with Sarah, I might have initiated it, but only if I was a wee bit inebriated :)

Can't wait for the next date!