Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Busy Bee

I have been so busy the past few days that I haven't had much time to just sit and relax and blog for a bit. Today I spent the day at a hotel by the airport in a room with a bunch of nervous interviewees. My company is expanding, so my manager asked me to sit in the "hospitality suite" for the people being interviewed and be there to answer questions for them as well as keep an ear out for any comments or any people who I think would be a great fit as well as for people who I think wouldn't be a great fit for the company. One good thing that came out of today was a huge reminder of how lucky I am to work for such an amazing company. I had been feeling kind of down about my company since Crazy Girl and I are no longer working together. She got screwed with the expansion, so now not only are her and I not working together anymore, she has no partner, a new manager and a huge area she will be working in. I lucked out in the expansion and got to keep our manager, Steadman, am now partners with a girl I was friends with through training and the area I am working in is right around where I live. So today was great for reminding me that while, yes, Crazy Girl got screwed which sucks, but things could be a lot worse and I work for such a great company.

The busy times will continue tomorrow, I have work in the morning, I'm going to get my haircut around noon and then I have to grab lunch, hurry home, shower, finish packing and then head to the airport to go to LA to see The Swimmer. I just can't believe that tomorrow at this time I will be with The Swimmer. Time flew by so quickly! I am a little nervous about having a panic attack when I'm out there with him, but worrying about it isn't going to help the situation. This is different than in the past because this is my first time visiting him out in LA, so I'll be out of my comfort zone. I've told him how I'm a bit worried, but he's been so reassuring and telling me that if I do have a panic attack, to tell him and he will do whatever he can to make me feel better. The Professional and I figured out that my panic attack last week was because I was so overwhelmed being at the company meeting - you really don't have much free time or control over how your time is spent and I don't like situations like that. So having a panic attack was almost my body's way of telling me that I needed time to decompress, be alone and just relax. This weekend should be very relaxing, so I should be okay. Otherwise, I still have Ativan if need be, although I'm definitely going to try to stay away from that since I'd like to have some quality "sexytime!" with The Swimmer. Yes, I did buy Borat yesterday and The Swimmer and I will be watching it several times this weekend.

Anyways, wow, I feel much more relaxed now that I've taken a few minutes to just sit and write everything out that's been going on and that I've been thinking about. The amazing healing powers of the Blog!!