Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Jury duty...

I didn't know that jury duty could suck so much! I got there at 8am on Monday morning after not sleeping very well because I was so scared I wouldn't wake up when my alarm went off. At about 10am, my name was finally called, along with 61 other potential jurors. We went to the assigned courtroom where we then waited for about a half hour before we were allowed inside. Once inside, we went through the "voir-dire" process and were told what the charges were against the defendant. I was pretty shocked to hear that the charges against the man included- rape, incest, molestation and sodomy - all against his own daughter. At first, I was taken aback and did not want to be on the jury. Then, I thought, well, if he did it, I want to make sure he is convicted and rots in hell for ruining this little girl's life. Jury selection started at around 11:45 and most of us were allowed to go to lunch at around 12:15pm. I went with 3 other women I made friends with and we talked about random stuff. After returning at 2:00, we were told to take a break at about 2:15 for 15 minutes. That became 30 minutes and jury selection started again. It did not end for the day until 5:45pm and we had to return the next morning at 9am to continue. The next day, after questioning about 43 of 62 potential jurors (me being number 47), the judge told the attorneys that they had questioned enough people to start striking. Even thought numbers 44-62 would not be chosen, we still had to sit there and wait. Finally, at about 1:30pm, we were dismissed. To make all of this worse, after jury duty on Monday night, I got what was one of, if not, the worst migraine I have ever gotten. I was totally incapacitated by it. I went home and slept for a bit after taking some migraine medicine and nausea medicine. I woke up a little bit later and forced myself to try to eat something, took a shower and talked to The Swimmer for a little bit. I dozed some more and then The Swimmer called again to check on me. I finally went to sleep and thankfully, woke up without the migraine. So, that was my jury duty experience. It sucked, but at least it's over!

1 comment:

Drama Queen said...

God. At least you never got picked. Not so sure I could stomach hearing all the details of THAT case. . .