Thursday, November 30, 2006

A theory...

So, I got a little bit more insight into what The Idiot could have possibly been thinking when he decided to end things. This was from a "professional" who I see to help me get over a phobia (a very weird phobia to most) I have. She said that perhaps he went as far as he could in the relationship, that he didn't know how to go further than where we were at and that was all he was capable of and that's why things ended. As far as The Idiot continuing to e-mail me, she said that he's having a hard time not having me in his life and 1- maybe he doesn't realize how much he hurt me 2- maybe he realizes how much he has hurt me but doesn't want to accept that because then that would ruin his "nice guy" perception of himself.

I was just going to ignore him from now on, but The Professional (as I'll now call her) suggested that maybe I need to communicate to him 1- that he can't expect to be allowed to maintain a friendship after he hurt me so badly and 2- that he's not being very respectful of my telling him that a friendship is out of the question and that he is totally out of my life. As I said to her today, when we broke-up, in my mind, he ceased to exist in the world, or my world, as she clarified. By him contacting me, he's reinserting himself in my world and I've already told him he is not allowed. I'm moving on with my life and he is not allowing me to do that by contacting me every week and that's not fair to me.

1 comment:

Cute Jewess said...

Boy you seem put together! Great attitude, and The Professional seems wise indeed.