Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I must sound like a little piglet with all the squealing I've been doing today!

First, I text messaged TDH around 2:45pm, just to say, "Hope you're having a great day!" His reply: "I am now" That was it, I lost it and the squealing started.

Then he just called during a break from a meeting at work to chat and see what I was up to. We talked for a few minutes until his meeting started again and asked when my dance class is over tonight and said to give him a call after that and once I'm all settled in after. Sigh...

The squealing won't stop! I keep remembering things he said to me over the weekend and the past couple of weeks - I'm the best sex he's ever had, I'm gorgeous, he loves spending time with me, I make him smile, we have great conversations, he loves my laugh, I'm "G-d damn hot," etc. I'm sure I blush every single time I remember him saying these things, just as I did when he first said them to me.


Anonymous said...

wonderful news all round. he sounds terrific, esp the 'intimate conversations' he initiates. great guy...hope things continue to go well.

Unknown said...

Hey -- just discovered you, via the other bloggers.

Have to get caught up on your blog, but in the meantime, it's so nice to read about an exciting, successful new relationship -- it gives me hope! Congrats!